Bob’s Topics
Many state standards require that ALL students MUST take Algebra 1 no later than 8th grade. Many districts and schools are interested in upgrading their K-6 teachers’ algebra skills and strategies. This is Bob’s specialty. See the following paragraphs for further information.
The professional staff development session “Teaching Arithmetic with Algebra in Mind” focuses on specific ways in which regular K-6 arithmetic can be taught – as early as Kindergarten and First Grade – in ways that better set kids up for success in algebra in eighth grade – all without changing the curriculum being used.
There are specific items, concepts, connections, and principles – not just new “tricks” – that can help both teachers and students think in broad, generalized, conceptual categories about arithmetic. This approach to arithmetic better prepares students for what algebra actually is: generalized arithmetic. Session length can vary from 6 to 12 hours more. Contact Bob at
Bob also offers the following workshops for small groups, parents, and organizations
Workshop #1: Math Games to Supplement Any Math Curriculum
Length: 90 minutes
Target Audience: Teachers and parents actively involved with children in pre-K to upper elementary grades
Description: Demonstration of and participation in a variety of math games that can supplement and enrich the mathematical experience of your child, student, or classroom. Games provide motivation, enjoyment, and context for acquiring math mastery and can be a vital part of a child’s learning, regardless of curriculum being used. Adults only at this training.
Fee: $100 plus mileage.
Workshop #2: Math Games & Activities for Early Childhood
Length: 90 minutes
Target Audience: Parents of children ages 2-6 (parents only at this training)
Description: Similar to topic #1 above, with focus on early childhood and pre-school years. These games and activities help establish in children a foundation for success in math in low-key, enjoyable ways.
Fee: $100 plus mileage.
Workshop #3: Creating a Math-Rich Environment in Your Home/Classroom
Length: 3 hours
Target Audience: Parents and/or teachers of children in grades K-6 interested in learning how to teach some of the key math games and develop a math-rich home or classroom. Adults only at this training.
Description: Participants will have hands-on practice of specific math games and activities for developing skills of logic, geometry, spatial sense, and mental math.
Fee: $150 plus mileage.
Workshop #4: “Equations”: the Cadillac of Math Games
Length: 3 hours, plus 1 follow-up hour with at least one contact person in the group.
Target Audience: Parents and/or teachers of students in grades 6-12. Attentive students in grades 6-12 may also attend the training.
Description: More than any other math game, “Equations” players learn how to use math skills such as exponents, order of operations, negative numbers, and radicals. Players learn to creatively employ…
• chess-like strategies
• basic arithmetic skills
• creative problem solving, and
• the higher skills of algebra …
…to stump, trap, challenge, and fool opponents – all the while practicing important Buy Alprazolam 1mg math skills and concepts. One curriculum reviewer has written that “Equations” is “the Porsche of math games.”
Because this game is extremely difficult to learn on one’s one, it’s worth having an experienced trainer like Bob teach your group how to play this game, for hours and even years of fun and learning.
Fee: $150 plus mileage.
For more information or to request a booking, contact Bob at